The Court of International Trade on March 21 instructed attorneys using artificial intelligence to be "mindful of any individual chambers procedures or orders" relating to protections for business proprietary information. The court said attorneys also should keep in mind the "obligations of Rule 11 regarding attorneys' representations to the Court."
The Court of International Trade's system will be undergoing maintenance on March 22, 6-10 p.m. EDT, the court announced. Documents requiring payments on can't be filed on CM/ECF during this time, the court said.
The U.S.District Court for the Eastern District of Texas stayed its preliminary injunction against the enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act's (CTA's) beneficial ownership information reporting requirements after the Supreme Court granted a stay of a similar injunction in another case against the requirements. Judge Jeremy Kernodle lifted the preliminary injunction, citing the high court's decision (Smith v. U.S. Department of Treasury, E.D. Tex. # 6:24-336).
The Court of International Trade's system will be undergoing maintenance on Feb. 22 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. EST, the court announced. Documents requiring payment on can't be filed on CM/ECF during this time, the court said.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit on Feb. 7 released a host of documents in the ongoing investigation on Judge Pauline Newman's fitness to continue serving on the court. The most recent document released by the court is an order compelling Newman to produce all medical records reviewed by her physician, Dr. Aaron Filler, in light of Newman's submission of a report from Filler purportedly showing that the 97-year-old judge doesn't suffer from any mental disability. The three judges conducting the probe of Newman's fitness -- Judges Kimberly Moore, Sharon Prost and Richard Taranto -- identified a number of issues with Filler's report, prompting the order to "produce all medical records reviewed by Dr. Filler." Newman is concurrently challenging her colleagues' investigation, and the related suspension from receiving new cases at the court, in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (see 2412100042).
The Court of International Trade CM/ECF system will undergo maintenance March 8 from 8 a.m. to noon ET, the court announced. The system will be unavailable during this time.
An issue with the Court of International Trade's CM/ECF system has been resolved, the court said in a text-only notice to various litigants. The issue caused certain Notices of Electronic Filing, including those with deadlines, to not be received by their intended recipients (see 2501220091). The court said that to ensure all affected parties are aware of docket activity during the time that the CM/ECF system was impaired, the court will send regenerated Notices of Electronic Filing for the affected filings "in the near future." Those with questions were instructed to reach out to the courts CM/ECF Help Desk at 1-866-450-1859 or
The Court of International Trade's CM/ECF is currently experiencing some technical issues that are causing certain Notices of Electronic Filing, including those with deadlines, to not be received by their intended recipients, a representative of the court said in an email on Jan. 22. The court didn't provide an indication as to when the issue would be resolved.
Court of International Trade Judge Stephen Vaden earlier this month said he is working on two decisions to be issued simultaneously in a case on the International Trade Commission's affirmative injury determination on phosphate fertilizers. In a text-only order, the judge said one opinion will deal with the merits of the appeal, while the other will address the court's issue with the commission's treatment of confidential information (OCP v. U.S., CIT Consol. # 21-00219).
ASML, the major Dutch semiconductor tooling firm, is being accused of misleading investors about how its projected China sales and revenues were impacted by recently imposed export controls.