The following are short summaries of recent CBP “NY” rulings issued by the agency's National Commodity Specialist Division in New York:
Accumulation of production costs from non-originating intermediate goods is allowed under USMCA for regional value content calculations, just like it was under NAFTA, CBP said. In a recently released ruling requested by Daimler Trucks North America (DTNA), CBP found the commercial vehicle manufacturer can add a tier two supplier’s costs of processing within USMCA territory to the USMCA costs of its tier one water pump supplier, even though the tier two costs were not sufficient to result in an originating material.
The following are short summaries of recent CBP “NY” rulings issued by the agency's National Commodity Specialist Division in New York:
The Customs Rulings Online Search System (CROSS) was updated July 8 with the following headquarters rulings (ruling revocations and modifications will be detailed elsewhere in a separate article as they are announced in the Customs Bulletin):
Global Aluminum Distributor backed Kingtom Aluminio's renewed bid to join a lawsuit over an Enforce and Protect Act investigation that found it helped importers evade antidumping and countervailing duties on aluminum extrusions from China, while the original EAPA alleger, Ta Chen International, disputed Kingtom's motion for reconsideration in the case, in briefs filed July 7 (Global Aluminum Distributor LLC v. U.S., CIT #21-00198). Kingtom asks the Court of International Trade to reverse its own June 21 decision that Kingtom can't intervene in the case, brought by the importers found to have evaded AD/CV duties.
The Customs Rulings Online Search System (CROSS) was updated July 2 with the following headquarters rulings (ruling revocations and modifications will be detailed elsewhere in a separate article as they are announced in the Customs Bulletin):
The Customs Rulings Online Search System (CROSS) was updated July 2 with the following headquarters rulings (ruling revocations and modifications will be detailed elsewhere in a separate article as they are announced in the Customs Bulletin):
Frozen diced garlic imported by Van Drunen is not subject to antidumping duties on fresh garlic from China (A-570-831), the Commerce Department said in a June 29 scope ruling. The agency said that the scope of the order covers garlic “whole or separated into constituent cloves” but does not have language including any type of garlic reduced in size beyond cloves, such as chopped or diced garlic.
The following are short summaries of recent CBP “NY” rulings issued by the agency's National Commodity Specialist Division in New York:
Tools of the trade returned after temporary use abroad do not have to been actually used to be eligible for duty-free treatment under subheading 9801.00.85 Porsche Motorsports North America, said in a reply brief filed June 25. CBP has ruled in the past that it’s enough for goods to be made available for use to qualify for duty-free treatment, PMNA said in the brief, filed in support of its motion for judgment in a case at the Court of International Trade (Porsche Motorsports North America, Inc. v. U.S., CIT # 16-00182).