The following are short summaries of recent CBP NY rulings issued by the agency's National Commodity Specialist Division in New York:
Country of origin cases
The following are short summaries of recent CBP NY rulings issued by the agency's National Commodity Specialist Division in New York:
The following lawsuit was recently filed at the Court of International Trade:
The following are short summaries of recent CBP NY rulings issued by the agency's National Commodity Specialist Division in New York:
The Court of International Trade upheld the finding of CBP's Office of Regulations and Rulings (ORR) that MSeafood Corp. did not evade antidumping duties on frozen warmwater shrimp from India by transshipping the products through Vietnam, in a decision released to the public May 4. Judge Claire Kelly said that CBP in its affirmative evasion finding failed to consider evidence showing exporter Minh Phu Group's tracing system is reliable and arbitrarily transformed a single instance of evasion into an evasion finding for a whole year.
The following are short summaries of recent CBP NY rulings issued by the agency's National Commodity Specialist Division in New York:
The following are short summaries of recent CBP NY rulings issued by the agency's National Commodity Specialist Division in New York:
The Court of International Trade should sustain the Commerce Department’s determination that the South Korean government did not subsidize Hyundai Steel by providing electricity for less than adequate remuneration (LTAR), the DOJ argued in an April 28 motion. The motion came in reply to requests for judgment filed by Hyundai Steel and consolidated-plaintiff Nucor, which contested separate aspects of the final results of a 2019 countervailing duty review on hot-rolled steel flat products from South Korea (Hyundai Steel v. United States, CIT # 22-00170).
The U.S. and South Korea reached a solution ending a dispute settlement case on the U.S. safeguard measure concerning imports of large residential washers, the World Trade Organization announced. South Korea said at the April 30 meeting of the Dispute Settlement Body that the U.S. brought its measure in line with the relevant WTO agreements. The U.S. claimed that while certain elements of the panel's findings were "disappointing and unbalanced," it allowed the report to be adopted, the WTO said.
The following are short summaries of recent CBP NY rulings issued by the agency's National Commodity Specialist Division in New York: