The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed in a July 19 ruling the Court of International Trade's denial of a challenge to a 2020 amendment to an antidumping duty suspension agreement on sugar from Mexico. The trade court had in June 2020 denied CSC Sugar's bid to vacate the suspension agreement amendment. The Federal Circuit upheld the decision without opinion.
A spice company's challenge to a $50,000 penalty for failing to export a shipment of tamarind from Mexico was dismissed from the Court of International Trade for a lack of subject matter jurisdiction, Judge Timothy Stanceu said in a July 19 opinion. CIT found that the case was untimely filed in the court and that the complaint is over a Food and Drug Administration decision merely carried out by CBP.
The Court of International Trade again rejected the Commerce Department's attempt to make a particular market situation adjustment to the cost of production in a sales-below-cost test in an antidumping case, according to a July 19 opinion. Yet again, the court said that such adjustments, resulting in alternative cost methodologies, are reserved for constructed value and not normal value because sales used when calculating normal value must be carried out in the "ordinary course of trade."
Since China failed to implement the recommendations from the World Trade Organization's Dispute Settlement Body on how to bring tariff-rate quotas on agricultural products in line with WTO commitments, the U.S. is seeking to implement countermeasures on the TRQs, the U.S. delegation to the DSB said in July 16 comments. Submitting their rationale in a one-page brief to the DSB ahead of the July 26 meeting, the U.S. delegation discussed how it is seeking the countermeasures under the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU).
The Commerce Department was justified in continuing to apply total adverse facts available in an antidumping case after a Court of International Trade remand since the respondent failed to accurately report control number-specific U.S. sales and factors of production data when it could have "easily" done so, case petitioner Catfish Farmers of America said in a July 9 reply brief. Doubling down on Commerce's arguments, the catfish farmers said the court should sustain the remand results in the case over the final results of the 14th administrative review of the antidumping duty order on frozen fish fillets from Vietnam (Hung Vuong Corporation, et al. v. United States, CIT #19-00055).
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit's July 13 decision in favor of President Donald Trump's Section 232 tariff increase for Turkish steel past the 105-day deadline set by statute may be a serious setback for Turkish steel exporters (see 2107130059), but what it means for the remaining litigation challenging the president's authority under Section 232, Section 301 or any other statute granting the executive tariff powers is less clear, lawyers said in the days following the decision.
The following lawsuits were recently filed at the Court of International Trade:
The Commerce Department must further explain its use of a statistical test when using its differential pricing analysis in an antidumping duty investigation, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit said in a July 15 opinion. Partially remanding an antidumping investigation into welded line pipe from South Korea, the Federal Circuit questioned Commerce's use of the "Cohen's d test" to discover targeted or masked dumping.
The following lawsuits were recently filed at the Court of International Trade:
The Commerce Department wants a partial remand of its final determination in a countervailing duty investigation on utility scale wind towers from Indonesia, to reconsider whether it erroneously identified an upstream subsidy in the case as an export subsidy. In a July 9 motion for partial remand in the Court of International Trade, the government defense said that it wants the chance to review this determination to see if an error was committed and to potentially recalculate the resulting countervailing duty rate for the plaintiff in the case, PT. Kenertec Power System, which received the all-other respondents rate in the investigation (PT. Kenertec Power System v. United States, CIT #20-03687).