Rulings, remedies and court proceedings for customs and trade professionals

CAFC Issues Mandate in AD Case on Indian Shrimp

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit on July 15 issued its mandate in an antidumping duty review on Indian frozen warmwater shrimp after it affirmed the Court of International Trade's decision to sustain the Commerce Department's use…

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of antidumping duty respondent Z.A. Sea Foods' Vietnamese sales to calculate normal value (see 2406070034). The decision was issued without an accompanying opinion. The trade court said petitioner Ad Hoc Shrimp Trade Action Committee failed to flesh out its claim that, since ZASF's Vietnamese sales were not actually for consumption in Vietnam, Commerce couldn't use them to set normal value (see 2212070036) (Z.A. Sea Foods Private Ltd. v. United States, Fed. Cir. # 23-1469).