The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Nov. 3 on AD/CVD proceedings:
CBP has determined that LDL Trading Company evaded the antidumping and countervailing duty orders on cast iron soil pipe and cast iron soil pipe fittings from China, it announced in an Oct. 30 notice. CBP said that substantial evidence showed that LDL imported Chinese-origin soil pipe and fittings transshipped through Malaysia and misclassified covered merchandise as goods not subject to the AD/CVD orders.
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Nov. 2 on AD/CVD proceedings:
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Nov. 1 on AD/CVD proceedings:
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Oct. 31 on AD/CVD proceedings:
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Oct. 30 on AD/CVD proceedings:
The Commerce Department will review whether to grant Vietnam market economy status in antidumping duty proceedings, it announced in a notice released Oct. 27 that begins a changed circumstances review.
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Oct. 27 on AD/CVD proceedings:
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Oct. 25 on AD/CVD proceedings:
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Oct. 24 on AD/CVD proceedings: