The Customs Rulings Online Search System (CROSS) was updated Nov. 14 with the following headquarters rulings (ruling revocations and modifications will be detailed elsewhere in a separate article as they are announced in the Customs Bulletin):
CBP announced an Enforce and Protect Act (EAPA) investigation on whether Texas United Chemical Company and TBC-Brinadd evaded an antidumping duty order on xanthan gum from China. The agency said it found reasonable suspicion existed that the importers had transshipped Chinese-origin xanthan gum through Turkey, necessitating the imposition of interim measures.
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Nov. 16 on AD/CVD proceedings:
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Nov. 14 on AD/CVD proceedings:
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Nov. 13 on AD/CVD proceedings:
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Nov. 8 on AD/CVD proceedings:
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Nov. 8 on AD/CVD proceedings:
CBP announced it began a formal Enforce and Protect Act investigation on whether U.S. importer Besttn Industry evaded antidumping and countervailing duty orders on cast iron soil pipe and fittings from China and has imposed interim measures due to reasonable suspicion that Besttn entered covered merchandise.
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Nov. 7 on AD/CVD proceedings:
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Nov. 6 on AD/CVD proceedings: