The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Sept. 28 on AD/CVD proceedings:
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Sept. 27 on AD/CVD proceedings:
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Sept. 26 on AD/CVD proceedings:
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Sept. 23 on AD/CVD proceedings:
The Commerce Department migrated its review of whether Russia is a market economy from one antidumping investigation to another, Commerce said in a Sept. 19 notice. Commerce directed parties that had already made comments on the changed circumstances review in the original AD investigation to resubmit their comments and factual information for consideration to the new AD duty investigation. These entities, which include EuroChem Switzerland, Russia's Ministry of Economic Development, CF Industries Nitrogen and Wiley Rein, have until Sept. 28 to submit their comments.
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Sept. 21 on AD/CVD proceedings:
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Sept. 20 on AD/CVD proceedings:
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Sept. 19 on AD/CVD proceedings:
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Sept. 16 on AD/CVD proceedings:
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices Sept. 15 on AD/CVD proceedings: