The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices April 23 on AD/CV duty proceedings:
Two Chinese exporters are set to face a high 541.94% countervailing duty rate based on their alleged lack of cooperation, said the Commerce Department in the preliminary results of an administrative review on solar cells from China published April 23. Solarchina did not cooperate in the review, and Taichang did not obtain a full questionnaire response from its parent company, causing Commerce to set a CV duty rate for the two companies as if they benefited from every program examined for all respondents during the administrative review.
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices April 22 on AD/CV duty proceedings:
Domestic producer coalitions filed new petitions April 20 seeking antidumping duties on raw honey from Argentina, Brazil, India, Ukraine and Vietnam. Represented by Kelley Drye, the American Honey Producers Association and the Sioux Honey Association allege dumping at rates ranging from 16.83% to 22.60% for Argentina, 34.22% to 99.16% for India, 10.56% to 94.84% for Ukraine, and at 114.5% for Brazil and 207.08% for Vietnam. The scope is more narrow than that of the existing AD duty order on honey from China, with the latter covering both natural and artificial honey, as well as comb honey and certain packaged honey exempt from the scope of the new petitions. The petition for Argentina comes just eight years after antidumping and countervailing duty orders on honey from that country were revoked by a changed circumstances review in 2012.
The Commerce Department improperly treated CBP’s initial findings in an Enforce and Protect Act Investigation as fact when it relied on them to find a sawblade importer’s submissions unreliable and used adverse facts available (AFA) in a scope proceeding, the importer, Lyke Industrial, said in comments to the agency on a preliminary scope ruling.
The Commerce Department and the International Trade Commission published the following Federal Register notices April 21 on AD/CV duty proceedings:
Chests of drawers imported by Mitchell Gold are covered by antidumping duties on wooden bedroom furniture from China (A-570-970), but separately imported metal bases and drawer pulls for those chests are not, the Commerce Department said in a scope ruling issued April 19.