Carbon dioxide cartridges designed for use in air guns are properly classified in subheading 2811.21.00 as “Other inorganic acids and other inorganic oxygen compounds of nonmetals: Other inorganic oxygen compounds of nonmetals: Carbon dioxide,” CBP said in a Dec. 16 Headquarters Ruling. The ruling was made in response to a request by Crosman to reconsider an earlier New York office ruling. Crosman asked CBP to reclassify the cartridges under subheading 9305.99.50 as gun parts and accessories.
The following are short summaries of recent CBP NY rulings issued by the agency's National Commodity Specialist Division in New York:
The following are short summaries of recent CBP NY rulings issued by the agency's National Commodity Specialist Division in New York:
Electrical cabinets specifically designed to be installed in power control rooms are eligible for drawback, CBP headquarters said in a recently released ruling that CBP issued in September. The ruling followed a request for further review by SMS USA LLC following the denial of its drawback claims.
The following are short summaries of recent CBP NY rulings issued by the agency's National Commodity Specialist Division in New York:
CBP has determined that C.I.S. Investments, doing business as Triangle Metals, evaded antidumping and countervailing duty orders on forged steel fittings from China, according to a Dec. 20 notice. The determination comes at the end of an Enforce and Protect Act investigation, which found that C.I.S. transshipped fittings through Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Thailand, did not declare that the merchandise was subject to AD/CVD orders upon entry, and made no cash deposits. CBP will require that for any imports of forged steel fittings from Sri Lanka, Thailand or Indonesia, C.I.S. deposit estimated duties at the time of entry, and CBP will evaluate the continuous bond and will require single transaction bonds as appropriate.
The Customs Rulings Online Search System (CROSS) was updated Dec. 22 with the following headquarters rulings (ruling revocations and modifications will be detailed elsewhere in a separate article as they are announced in the Customs Bulletin):
The following are short summaries of recent CBP NY rulings issued by the agency's National Commodity Specialist Division in New York:
The Customs Rulings Online Search System (CROSS) was updated Dec. 19 with the following headquarters rulings (ruling revocations and modifications will be detailed elsewhere in a separate article as they are announced in the Customs Bulletin):
The following are short summaries of recent CBP NY rulings issued by the agency's National Commodity Specialist Division in New York: