India is lifting export restrictions on certain active pharmaceutical ingredients, according to an April 6 notice from the country’s Directorate General of Foreign Trade. Export restrictions no longer apply to more than 20 APIs, according to the notice.
Singapore Customs is advising traders to use only electronic certificates of origin due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an April 7 notice. This includes forms submitted through the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Single Window and the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement.
South Korea will expand its free-trade zones in an effort to boost exports during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an April 6 report from the Yonhap News Agency. The measures will expand the size of the Incheon International Airport free-trade zone and the Busan Port by about 10% and 30%, respectively, the report said, and comes as the country’s exports decreased for 14 consecutive month before a slight rebound in February. The zones provide companies with eased regulations and customs benefits.
Japan issued an export ban on an individual for making illegal exports of frozen cod in 2011, according to an April 3 notice from the country’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Matsumoto Susumu violated Japan’s Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act by exporting 410 tons of cod worth about 20 million Japanese yen to North Korea without the required approval, the notice said. All exports to North Korea have been prohibited by Japan since June 18, 2009. Susumu is prohibited from exporting any type of product to any destination April 10 through Dec. 9, 2020.
China is blocking imports transported by truck drivers from five of Vietnam’s cities and provinces, including the country’s capital, according to an April 3 report from CustomsNews, the mouthpiece for Vietnam Customs. China informed Vietnam that it will bar drivers delivering goods from Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Quang Ninh, Da Nang and Binh Thuan, saying those regions have “recorded many new and complex cases of coronavirus” COVID-19. Vietnam Customs is telling agricultural companies to “plan for the consumption of agricultural goods in the domestic market” and to remain in communication with the customs agency to minimize the “backlog of goods and economic losses.”
China announced changes to its inspections and supervision procedures for imported cotton, according to an April 3 report from the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. The measures, which were scheduled to take effect April 5, aim to improve the “business environment” at ports by carrying out inspections “upon application by enterprises” instead of a “sampling inspection by customs officials batch by batch.” If the consignee or agent of the imported cotton does not require a quality certificate, the cotton will be released “directly” after “passing the on-site inspection and quarantine.”
Vietnam is drafting regulations to defer payments of value-added taxes for certain companies, products and industry sectors due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an April 2 post from KPMG. VATs will be extended for entities engaged in production or processing in the agricultural, forestry, fishery, food processing, clothing, rubber, electronic, computer and auto sectors, KPMG said in an alert. The deferrals will also apply to the transportation sector, including rail, road, waterways, aviation and warehousing.
China recently announced procedures for returns of cross-border exported and imported e-commerce goods, according to an April 3 report from the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. Traders seeking to return goods must apply to China’s customs authority to “engage in return business,” the report said. Any returns must come with a “guarantee” that the returns are the original goods, the report said, and must be completed within a certain time frame. The measures for returns of exports took effect March 27, and for returns of imports, on March 28.
Vietnam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade may propose strict limits on the amount of monthly rice exports, according to an April 1 report from CustomsNews, the mouthpiece for Vietnam Customs. The country previously temporarily suspended rice exports due to a domestic rice shortage after a global spike in rice demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic (see 2003270010). The exports would be allowed only through border gates where there is “sufficient network equipment” for the country’s customs authority to monitor the exports in “real time” to maintain domestic rice supplies.
India amended conditions for importing certain iron and steel goods, according to a March 31 notice from the country’s Directorate General of Foreign Trade. India is extending the validation of automatic registration numbers, which are required by certain steel and iron importers to import the goods into the country. The registration numbers generated until March 31 will remain valid for 135 days, the notice said.