The Office of Foreign Assets Control on Aug. 7 sanctioned Bi Sidi Souleymane, leader of the Central African Republic militia group Return, Reclamation, Rehabilitation (3R). OFAC said Souleymane was involved in killings, torture and the displacement of thousands of people. The move came days after the United Nations Security Council sanctioned Souleymane (also spelled Souleman and Soulemane) (see 2008060019).
A U.S. technology company is being investigated by the Office of Foreign Assets Control for possible Iran sanctions violations, the company said in an Aug. 4 Securities and Exchange Commission filing. California-based Harmonic Inc. said OFAC is looking into transactions made with Iran by France-based Thomson Video Networks, which Harmonic acquired in 2016. The company said it may be subject to civil, criminal and monetary penalties, the loss of export privileges or “in extreme cases, imprisonment of responsible employees.”
The United Nations Security Council sanctioned the leader of a Central African Republic militia group, the UNSC said in an Aug. 5 notice. The designation targets Bi Sidi Souleman (also spelled Soulemane), who leads the group Retour, Reclamation, Rehabilitation, which is involved in warfare and illegal arms trafficking. The United Kingdom’s Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation sanctioned Souleman Aug. 6.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control sanctioned three people, one entity and one vessel for using Libya to smuggle fuel and illegal drugs, OFAC said Aug. 6. The designations target Libyan national Faysal al-Wadi, his vessel Maraya, his two associates Musbah Mohamad Wadi and Nourddin Milood Musbah, and the Malta-based company Alwefaq Ltd.
The United Kingdom’s Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation amended an entry under its terrorism sanctions, according to an Aug. 5 notice. The change adds and deletes identifying information for Qasem Soleimani, the deceased former commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control sanctioned Zimbabwean businessman Kudakwashe Regimond Tagwirei and his company, Sakunda Holdings, for supporting Zimbabwe’s government, OFAC said Aug. 5. OFAC said Tagwirei used his relationship with government officials to secure state contracts and “receive favored access to hard currency,” earning millions of U.S. dollars.
The United Kingdom’s Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation published an Aug. 3 blog post about its new Transport Sanctions team, which will focus on maritime and air sanctions enforcement. The team will concentrate on enforcing restrictions on the “movement, registration, ownership and use” of ships and aircraft, including transporters who falsify documents or obscure ship ownership. The U.K. recently issued a sanctions guidance for the maritime industry, detailing sanctions evasion practices by North Korea, Iran, Libya and Syria (see 2007290019).
The United Kingdom’s Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation corrected 26 entries under its Venezuela sanctions regime, an Aug. 4 notice said. The corrections add and remove identifying information for the entries, which remain subject to an asset freeze.
The United Kingdom on July 31 imposed sanctions against six people and three entities responsible for cyberattacks. The designations mirror the European Union's July 30 measures against North Korean, Chinese and Russian cyberattackers (see 2007310007). The U.K. recently issued details for its post-Brexit cyber sanctions regime (see 2006220018).
The Council of the European Union renewed its terrorism sanctions regime for six months and added an entry to its ISIL (Da’esh) and al-Qaida sanctions regime, a July 30 notice said. The new designation is French national Bryan D’Ancona. The United Kingdom sanctioned D’Ancona July 31.