The Court of International Trade issued a decision Aug. 8 remanding surrogate value calculations in an antidumping duty review on activated carbon from China to the Commerce Department for reconsideration or explanation. While CIT sustained five of the seven surrogate selections at issue in the case, it found the agency failed to explain its surrogate value selection of a dataset for carbonized material and its pick of a company for determining surrogate financial ratios.
The Court of International Trade on Aug. 8 sustained the Commerce’s Department’s third remand results in an case that revolved around the constructed value calculation in an antidumping duty administrative review on steel nails from Oman. The trade court found Commerce justified its switch on remand between surrogate companies, despite calls from the exporter under review to use a different company.
CBP’s reversal in an antidumping and countervailing duty evasion case at the Court of International Trade case puts the agency’s entire Enforce and Protect Act program “in jeopardy,” the domestic industry group Aluminum Extruders Council said in a blog post July 13.
The Commerce Department on July 1 issued a proposed rule to implement the 24-month grace period announced by presidential proclamation in June (see 2206060014) for imports potentially subject to antidumping and countervailing duties on solar cells from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. As announced in the proclamation, the proposal would exempt solar cells subject to the inquiries from AD/CV duties until June 6, 2024.
A renewable energy trade group called on the Commerce Department to end its anti-circumvention inquiry on solar cells from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, citing a recent news article that quoted energy industry analysts saying Auxin Solar misapplied their research to justify its allegations of circumvention.
The Commerce Department will again consider ending Russia’s market economy status in antidumping duty proceedings, according to a prepublication version of a notice released May 9. After determining Russia still warranted market economy treatment in October during an antidumping duty investigation on urea ammonium nitrate solutions, Commerce is now beginning a changed circumstances review based on actions Russia has taken since its invasion of Ukraine in February.
The Commerce Department had to draw a line somewhere, and its use of a test to distinguish the production activities of producers and fabricators to determine industry support in antidumping duty and countervailing duty investigations on quartz surface products from India is in line with the law and prior court precedent, DOJ said in a reply brief filed April 6 with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
The Commerce Department will consider an expansion of antidumping and countervailing duties on solar cells from China to include solar cells from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam made from Chinese components, it said in notice released March 28 announcing the beginning of an anti-circumvention inquiry.
The following are short summaries of recent CBP NY rulings issued by the agency's National Commodity Specialist Division in New York:
The following are short summaries of recent CBP NY rulings issued by the agency's National Commodity Specialist Division in New York: