Rulings, remedies and court proceedings for customs and trade professionals

Top Trade Law Daily Articles You May Have Missed

Trade Law Daily is providing readers with the top stories from last week, in case you missed them. All articles can be found by searching on the title or by clicking on the hyperlinked reference number.

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ArticleReference #
Plywood Exporter Seeks Attorneys' Fees From US in Evasion Case2407090051
CAFC Judges Question Its Standard of Review in AD/CVD Scope Case on Door Thresholds2407110042
Exporter's 'Intimidation Tactics' Against Employees Don't Warrant AFA in Evasion Case, CIT Says2407090020
DC Circuit Vacates FMC Detention Charges Ruling Over 'Illogical' Reasoning2407090039
CBP Seeks Over $2M Penalty From Aluminum Extrusions Importer for Unpaid Duties2407110019
Trade Court Mostly Keeps Record Confidential in Challenge to UFLPA Entity List Placement2407100052
Anti-Forced Labor Group Says Recent SCOTUS Decision Doesn't Sink Case on WRO Petition2407110021
Commerce Pushes Use of AFA Against Noncooperative Unaffiliated Suppliers2407100037
CIT Explains CBP Right to Reverse Evasion Determination Against Dominican Exporter, Importers2407100048
Former Chinese Inmate Sues Milwaukee Tool for Forced Labor in Supply Chain2407030060