Rulings, remedies and court proceedings for customs and trade professionals

Top Trade Law Daily Articles You May Have Missed

Trade Law Daily is providing readers with the top stories from last week, in case you missed them. All articles can be found by searching on the title or by clicking on the hyperlinked reference number.

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ArticleReference #
CAFC Asks for More Briefing on Procedural Posture, Gov't Absence in AD/CVD Scope Case2406270057
CIT Suggests Wiggle Room on CAFC's General Requirement of 2 Mandatory Respondents in AD Reviews2406270043
CAFC Strikes Company's Entry of Appearance in AD Suit on Aluminum Wire, Cable2406270018
Solar Cell Exporter Says Commerce Can't Use 1 AFA Finding to Establish Countrywide Circumvention2406260032
Commerce Skipped Step in Duty Scope Ruling, Importer Says2406260052
Aluminum Sheet Exporter Challenges Specificity Finding on Alleged Coal Subsidy at CIT2406260046
US Defends Use of AFA to Find Flooring Exporter's Suppliers Were Chinese Gov't Authorities2406260043
Substantial Evidence Still Supports Evasion Finding for Three Glycine Importers, Petitioner Says2406260055
US Gets 30 More Days to File Reply in Customs Suit at CAFC on Day Planners2406260026
AD Investigation on OCTG Ffrom Argentina Had Plenty of Industry Support, US Says2406270061