China Solar Cells: Commerce Lowers AD Cash Deposit Rates for Four Exporters
The Commerce Department will decrease antidumping duty cash deposit rates in effect for four exporters of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells, whether or not assembled into modules, from China (A-570-979), implementing a recent Court of International Trade decision that ordered Commerce to recalculate rates set in an administrative review completed in 2017 (see 1708240027), it said. As a result of its recalculation, AD duty cash deposit rates for Jiawei Solarchina Co. Ltd., Ningbo ETDZ Holdings, Ltd., Star Power International Limited, and Toenergy Technology Hangzhou Co., Ltd., will fall to 3.19% (from 7.82%). The new rate will apply to subject merchandise entered on or after June 25, 2020.
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Commerce is also amending AD rates it set for 23 other companies as a result of the CIT decision, but cash deposit requirements will not change for these companies because they have all had new rates set in more recent administrative reviews. The changes will only affect importer assessments for entries in 2014-15 from these exporters. See Commerce's notice for the full list.
(Federal Register 07/01/20)