Updated APHIS List of Various Countries' Implementation of ISPM 15 Treatment & Marking for Wood Packaging Material
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has updated certain of its posted information on various countries' implementation and enforcement of ISPM 15 treatment and marking requirements for wood packaging material (WPM).
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(International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) 15 entitled, "Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packaging Material in International Trade" calls for affected WPM to be either heat treated or fumigated with methyl bromide (MB), and marked in a certain way certifying treatment.)
APHIS' ISPM 15 Enforcement for U.S.
In September 2004, APHIS issued a final rule to require all regulated WPM imported into the U.S. under general permit to be either heat treated or fumigated with methyl bromide, in accordance with ISPM 15, effective September 16, 2005. (See ITT's Online Archives or 09/23/04 news, 04092320, for Part III of BP's summary of this final rule, with links to earlier installments.)
APHIS also announced that its enforcement of these WPM regulations would be implemented in three phases. Phase II was implemented on February 1, 2006 and Phase III, full enforcement of WPM treatment and marking, began on July 5, 2006.(See ITT's Online Archives or 01/10/06 news, 06011005, for most recent BP summary of U.S.' phased implementation of ISPM 15, including Phase II. See ITT's Online Archives or 03/31/06 news, 06033105, for BP summary of CBP's 9th Update of its FAQ on WPM treatment and marking. See ITT's Online Archives or 06/27/06 news, 06062705, for BP summary of Phase III enforcement.)
Four Additional Countries Adopt ISPM 15 Requirements
APHIS' Web site currently lists 30 countries and the European Union (EU) as requiring ISPM 15 treatment and marking for WPM. Since BP's prior update, the following countries have been added to this list:
Dominican Republic. APHIS states that the Dominican Republic published requirements adopting IPSM 15 on August 7, 2006. The regulation went into effect on August 1, 2006. (undated)
Kenya. APHIS states that Kenya has published requirements adopting ISPM 15 and the regulation went into effect in January 2006. (updated 05/05/06)
Oman. Oman published requirements adopting ISPM 15 on August 2, 2006. The regulation will go into effect in December 2006. (undated)
Syria. APHIS states that the Syrian Arab Republic adopted ISPM 15 on April 1, 2006. (undated)
APHIS Amends Information on ISPM 15 Requirements of China, Jordan, & Korea
The information on APHIS' WPM Web site has been amended with respect to the requirements imposed by the following countries:
China. APHIS' information on China's WPM treatment and marking requirements has been amended to indicate that China has amended its regulations and now requires that both coniferous and non-coniferous WPM be treated and marked under ISPM 15. Previously, APHIS had stated that, in addition for the general requirement that hardwood (non-coniferous) be treated according to ISPM 15, only coniferous wood from the U.S., Canada, Japan, Mexico, Portugal, South Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong needed to be treated because these countries have Bursaphelenchus xylophyllus (pinewood nematode).
In addition, APHIS' information now indicates that China requires 24 hours of MB fumigation for both coniferous and hardwood (non-coniferous) wood. Previously, APHIS sources stated that China only required 24 hours of MB fumigation for coniferous WPM from the above-listed countries and 16 hours of MB fumigation for non-coniferous wood. China's heat treatment requirements appear to be unchanged. (current as of 04/14/06)
Jordan. APHIS' Web site now states that Jordan published requirements adopting ISPM 15 on January 12, 2006. APHIS also continues to state that Jordan's regulations went into effect on November 17, 2005. (updated 06/26/06)
South Korea. APHIS' information with respect to South Korea's WPM treatment and marking requirements has been amended by removing a statement indicating that South Korea would not accept coniferous WPM from the U.S. fumigated with MB under the currently approved schedule under ISPM 15. Previously, APHIS sources explained that although ISPM 15 requires 16 hours of fumigation, South Korea was requiring 24 hours of fumigation for coniferous WPM from the U.S. and perhaps certain other countries. (update posted 04/14/06)
WPM Web Site Contains Information on Additional Countries' Requirements
APHIS' Web site still contains ISPM 15 information for the following countries and economy, whose requirements have not changed since BP's last update: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, European Union, Guatemala, India, Lebanon, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, South Africa, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Vietnam and Venezuela. (See ITT's Online Archives or 04/13/06 and 01/19/06 news, 06041320 and 06011905, for earlier BP summaries of the list of countries who have, or are planning to, implement and enforce ISPM 15.)
APHIS Will Not Issue Phytosanitary Certificates for Exported WPM
APHIS has previously noted that certain countries have indicated that a phytosanitary certificate will be accepted and/or required for WPM treated and marked under ISPM 15. However, it is against APHIS policy to issue a phytosanitary certificate for wood packaging used in the transport of commodities.
APHIS' List of Countries Requiring ISPM 15 available at http://www.aphis.usda.gov/ppq/wpm/export/requirements.html
APHIS FAQ on U.S. Heat Treatment and Fumigation Program for WPM available at http://www.aphis.usda.gov/ppq/wpm/export/faq-wpm.html
APHIS' WPM Web page available athttp://www.aphis.usda.gov/newsroom/hot_issues/wood_packing.shtml