Miscellaneous International Trade Notices
On October 4, 2006, President Bush signed into law H.R. 5441, the fiscal year (FY) 2007 appropriations bill for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS, including U.S. Customs and Border Protection) (Public Law (P.L.) 109-295). According to a DHS press release, H.R. 5441 provides for (partial list): improved border security; enhanced port, container, and cargo security; increased transportation funds; etc. See future issue of ITT for details on H.R. 5441.(DHS press release, dated 10/04/06, available at http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/display?content=5957.)
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1. President Signs FY 2007 DHS Appropriations Bill Into Law
2. U.S. and Canada Agree to Extend Entry-into-Force Date for Softwood Lumber Agreement
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada has issued a news release announcing that Canada and the U.S. have agreed to extend the entry-into-force date of the Softwood Lumber Agreement (SLA) to no later than November 1, 2006 (from October 1, 2006), fulfilling a commitment to assist Canadian companies as they finalize implementation rules. (DFTAIT press release No. 112, dated 09/29/06, available at http://w01.international.gc.ca/minpub/Publication.aspx?isRedirect=True&publication_id=384419&language=E&docnumber=112)
3. WTO Rules in Favor of U.S. in Dispute Over EU's Biotech Moratorium
The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) has issued a press release announcing that the World Trade Organization (WTO) has ruled in favor the U.S. and other countries in their WTO case against the European Union's (EU's) moratorium on approving agricultural biotech products and EU member-state bans of previously approved products. (USTR Press Release, dated 09/29/06, available at http://www.ustr.gov/Document_Library/Press_Releases/2006/September/US_Trade_Representative_Susan_Schwab_US_Agriculture_Secretary_Mike_Johanns_Announce_Favorable_Ruling_in_WTO_Case_on_Agri.html)
4. WCO Offers CD-ROM Module on 2007 HS Amendments
The World Customs Organization (WCO) is offering a CD-ROM e-learning training module on using and understanding the 2007 Amendment to the Harmonized System (HS), which was officially launched on September 26, 2006. The module provides explanations about the nature, scope, and utility of the amendments, as well as the tools to determine whether the HS codes for a product have changed and which new codes are to be used. The learning module is available to businesses for 200. More information is available athttp://learning.wcoomd.org/products_trainpublications_pibepublications.htm
5. EPA Proposes to Expand Alternatives for Ozone-Depleting Substances in Car A/C Systems
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a proposed rule to expand and amend the list of acceptable substitutes for ozone-depleting substances for motor vehicle air conditioning. The rule proposes to list HFC-152a and CO2 as acceptable alternatives under the Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program. Comments are due by October 23, 2006. (EPA Press Release, dated 09/19/06, available at http://yosemite.epa.gov/opa/admpress.nsf/a8f952395381d3968525701c005e65b5/fd24ceee9a3be50c852571ee00574746!OpenDocument) (EPA Proposed Rule, D/N EPA-HQ-OAR-2004-0488; FRL-8221-5, FR Pub 09/21/06, available at http://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/01jan20061800/edocket.access.gpo.gov/2006/pdf/06-7967.pdf)
6. APHIS Corrects Interim Rule on SVC Import Restrictions
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has issued a correction to its interim rule published in the Federal Register on August 30, 2006 on import restrictions on spring viremia of carp (SVC)-susceptible species. APHIS is correcting its interim rule's regulatory language in 9 CFR 93.901(b)(3) by inserting the phrase "that the live fish, fertilized eggs, or gametes through the United States do" into the paragraph where it was originally omitted. (See ITT's Online Archives or 09/15/06 news, 06091515, for BP Summary of APHIS' interim rule.) (APHIS correction, D/N APHIS-2006-0107, FR Pub 09/15/06, available at http://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/01jan20061800/edocket.access.gpo.gov/2006/pdf/Z6-14478.pdf)
7. Shipping Coordinating Committee Meeting on 92nd Session of IMO's Legal Committee
The State Department has issued a notice announcing that its Shipping Coordinating Committee (SCC) is scheduled to hold an open meeting on October 10, 2006 in Washington, DC in order to prepare for the Ninety-second Session of the International Maritime Organization's (IMO's) Legal Committee scheduled for October 16-20, 2006. (FR Pub 09/27/06 available at http://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/01jan20061800/edocket.access.gpo.gov/2006/pdf/E6-15835.pdf)
8. ATF Publishes 2006 List of Regulated Explosive Materials
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has published its 2006 List of Explosive Materials (consisting of explosives, blasting agents, and detonators) that are defined as explosive materials under 18 USC 841. According to ATF, this list is unchanged from the December 2005 version. (D/N ATF 19N, FR Pub 09/27/06, available at http://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/01jan20061800/edocket.access.gpo.gov/2006/pdf/E6-15850.pdf
9. CBP Seeks Comments on Information Collections
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is seeking comments on the following proposed or continuing information collections:
Agency | Information Collection | Comments Due |
CBP 1 | Application/Permit/Special License, Unlading/Lading Overtime Services (CBP Form-3171) | 11/02/06 |
CBP 2 | Declaration for Free Entry of Unaccompanied Articles (CBP Form-3299) | 11/02/06 |
CBP 3 | Customs Declaration (CBP Form-6059-B) | 11/02/06 |
(CBP 1 & 2 Information Collection, FR Pub 10/03/06, available at http://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/01jan20061800/edocket.access.gpo.gov/2006/pdf/E6-16300.pdf
(CBP 3 Information Collection, FR Pub 10/03/06, available at http://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/01jan20061800/edocket.access.gpo.gov/2006/pdf/E6-16313.pdf