Updated APHIS List of Various Countries' Implementation of ISPM 15 Treatment & Marking for Wood Packaging Material
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has updated certain of its posted information on various countries' implementation and enforcement of ISPM 15 treatment and marking requirements for wood packaging material (WPM).
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(See ITT's Online Archives or 09/14/05 news, 05091410 for earlier BP summary of this list.)
(International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) 15 entitled, "Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packaging Material in International Trade" calls for affected WPM to be either heat treated or fumigated with methyl bromide, and marked in a certain way certifying treatment.)
APHIS' ISPM 15 Enforcement for U.S.
In September 2004, APHIS issued a final rule to require all regulated WPM imported into the U.S. under general permit to be either heat treated or fumigated with methyl bromide, in accordance with ISPM 15, effective September 16, 2005. (See ITT's Online Archives or 09/23/04 news, 04092320, for Part III of BP's summary of this final rule, with links to earlier installments. See ITT's Online Archives or 09/12/05 news, 05091210, for BP summary of CBP's most recent update of its FAQ on the September 16, 2005 enforcement of these requirements.)
APHIS also announced that its enforcement of these WPM regulations would be implemented in three phases. (See ITT's Online Archives or 01/10/06 news, 06011005 for most recent BP summary of U.S.' phased implementation of ISPM 15, including Phase 2 which begins on 02/01/06.)
APHIS' Information on ISPM 15 Enforcement by the EU and Other Countries
According to APHIS' Web site, the following countries and the European Union (EU) have given notification of their implementation/enforcement plans with regard to WPM (in alphabetical order):
Argentina. APHIS states that Argentina has published requirements adopting ISPM 15 and these regulations were scheduled to go into effect on June 1, 2005. (current as of 05/16/05)
Australia. According to APHIS, effective January 1, 2006, Australia has implemented a phase-in of mandatory treatment requirements for all solid wood packaging and dunnage, as described below:
January 1, 2006 - April 30, 2006 - for containerized sea cargo: Inspected wood, with or without ISPM 15 marks found to have live insects, bark or other quarantine risk material will be subject to onshore treatment, re-export and/or destruction at the importer's discretion and expense. - for break bulk and air cargo: Wood packaging and dunnage not compliant with ISPM 15 will be subject to mandatory treatment, re-export or destruction ONLY if insects, bark or other quarantine risk material is detected.
May 1, 2006 onward - for containerized sea cargo: Inspected wood found to be lacking the ISPM 15 mark, have live insects, bark, or other quarantine risk material will be subject to onshore treatment. - for break bulk and air cargo: wood packaging and dunnage not compliant with ISPM 15 will be subject to mandatory treatment, re-export or destruction at the importers expense.
WPM and dunnage must be bark free.
Bolivia. Bolivia has notified the WTO of its intention to adopt measures in line with ISPM 15. At present Bolivia requires wood packaging to be debarked. There is no provision that the wood be marked with "DB". The measure was implemented May 24, 2005. (current as of 09/14/05)
Brazil. APHIS states that Brazil has published requirements adopting ISPM 15, which were scheduled to go into effect on June 1, 2005. (current as of 09/01/05)
Canada. Canada, in conjunction with the North American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO) has notified the WTO of its intent to adopt measures in line with ISPM 15, which were scheduled to be implemented on September 16, 2005. APHIS notes that commodities destined to Canada from the U.S. are exempt from the requirement for treatment and official marking. (current as of 09/01/05)
(See ITT's Online Archives or 01/10/06 news, 06011005 for BP summary of Canada's phased implementation of ISPM 15, including Phase 2 which begins on 02/01/06.)
Chile. Chile has notified the WTO of its intent to adopt measures in line with ISPM 15. At present, APHIS notes that Chile will require WPM to be debarked. Chile had scheduled these measures go into effect on June 1, 2005. (current as of 09/08/04)
China. Effective January 1, 2006 (shipping date), WPM for all commodities imported should be treated and marked in accordance with ISPM 15; however, China has imposed additional fumigation requirements for coniferous WPM from the U.S, Canada, and other listed countries. (current as of 01/05/06)
(See APHIS Web site notice on WPM for China. See also ITT's Online Archives or 01/11/06, 06011115 for BP summary on China's implementation of ISPM 15.)
Colombia. APHIS states that Colombia has notified the WTO of its intention to adopt measures in line with ISPM 15; however the enforcement date has been changed to September 15, 2005 (from January 1, 2005). (current as of 01/11/05)
Costa Rica. Costa Rica has also notified the WTO of its intention to adopt measures in line with ISPM 15. While Costa Rica had indicated a date of January 1, 2005 as the date of adoption of this measure, APHIS states that it has been advised that the regulations were not enforced until September 16, 2005. (current as of 10/08/04)
Ecuador. Ecuador has notified the WTO of its intention to adopt measures in line with ISPM 15. The regulation was scheduled to go into effect on September 30, 2005. (current as of 09/14/05)
Egypt. Egypt has published regulations adopting ISPM 15, which were scheduled to go into effect October 1, 2005. (Current as of 09/20/05)
European Union. Effective March 1, 2005, the EU requires all newly assembled, repaired, or recycled unprocessed raw WPM (hardwood and softwood) entering the EU to be either heat treated or fumigated and officially marked under ISPM 15. In addition, all WPM is required to be debarked and marked "DB" effective March 1, 2006 unless further postponed.
Hardwood and softwood used to wedge or support non-wood cargo (dunnage) is required to be either heat treated or fumigated and officially marked under ISPM 15 OR if not treated and marked be bark free and free from signs of live pests. After December 31, 2007, all dunnage will be required to be treated and officially marked under ISPM 15. WPM including dunnage less than 6 mm and processed wood produced from glue, heat, and pressure or a combination thereof (i.e. oriented strand board, plywood, etc.) are exempt from treatment and marking. (current as of 10/07/05)
See ITT's Online Archives or 01/18/06 news, 06011805 for recent BP summary of EU's scheduled debarking and 'DB' marking requirements, which will go into effect on March 1, 2006 unless further postponed. See ITT's Online Archives or 03/02/05 news, (Ref 05030210) for BP summary of initial postponement. See ITT's Online Archives or 02/22/05 news, 05022210 for earlier BP summary of the EU's implementation of ISPM 15.)
Guatemala. APHIS states that Guatemala has published requirements adopting ISPM 15, which were scheduled to go into effect September 16, 2005. (current as of 05/16/05)
India. Effective November 1, 2004, India requires WPM to be either heat treated or fumigated and officially marked under the provisions of ISPM 15. (current as of 06/03/04)
South Korea. APHIS states that effective June 1, 2005, all WPM excluding paper products, were scheduled to be required to be treated and marked under ISPM 15. The WPM regulation for South Korea allows for the option of heat treatment for both coniferous and non-coniferous packaging material under ISPM15 with the official ISPM mark OR treated with methyl bromide (MB) and officially marked. However, South Korea currently will not accept coniferous WPM from the U.S. fumigated with MB under the currently approved schedule under ISPM 15. APHIS sources explain that although ISPM 15 requires 16 hours of fumigation, South Korea is requiring 24 hours of fumigation for coniferous WPM from the U.S. and perhaps certain other countries. (current as of 05/16/05)
Mexico. According to APHIS, Mexico, in conjunction with NAPPO, has notified the WTO of its intent to adopt measures in line with ISPM 15. The scheduled implementation date was September 16, 2005. APHIS states that implementation will be in three phases in the same manner as the U.S.(current as of 09/21/05)
(See ITT's Online Archives or 01/10/06 news, 06011005 for BP summary of Mexico's phased implementation of ISPM 15, which states that the documents posted to NAPPO's website indicate a two-phase implementation.)
New Zealand. APHIS sources state that New Zealand either requires that a unique set of treatment and certification requirements be met OR that treatment and marking occur in accordance with ISPM 15. In all instances, APHIS sources state that the WPM must be bark-free, free of certain pests, and have less than 0.01% by weight leaves, soil or other extraneous materials. See the APHIS web site for further details. (current as of 09/01/05)
Nigeria. APHIS explains that Nigeria has indicated its acceptance of official treatment and marking of WPM in line with ISPM 15. Nigeria was scheduled to enforce compliance as of September 30, 2004. (current as of 10/08/04)
Peru. Peru has notified the WTO of its intention to adopt measures in line with ISPM 15, effective June 1, 2005. (current as of 09/14/05)
Philippines. APHIS states that effective June 1, 2005, all WPM entering the Philippines are required to be treated and marked under ISPM 15. (current as of 10/25/04)
South Africa. South Africa has notified the WTO of its intent to adopt measures in line with ISPM 15, with a scheduled implementation date of January 1, 2005. (current as of 02/16/05)
Trinidad and Tobago. APHIS states that Trinidad and Tobago have published requirements adopting ISPM 15 effective September 15, 2005.
Turkey. APHIS states that Turkey has notified the WTO of its intention to adopt measures in line with ISPM 15. APHIS states that Turkey will require that wood packaging be debarked. It should be noted that Turkey changed its scheduled date of enforcement to January 1, 2006 (from January 1, 2005). (current as of 01/06/05)
Venezuela. APHIS notes that Venezuela has published requirements adopting ISPM 15, which were scheduled to go into effect on June 1, 2005. (current as of 05/16/05)
APHIS Will Not Issue Phytosanitary Certificates for Exported WPM
APHIS notes that certain countries have indicated that a phytosanitary certificate will be accepted and/or required for WPM treated and marked under ISPM 15. However, it is against APHIS policy to issue a phytosanitary certificate for wood packaging used in the transport of commodities.
APHIS Information on Countries Requiring ISPM 15 available at http://www.aphis.usda.gov/ppq/wpm/export/requirements.html