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CBP Administrative Messages, Electronic Bulletin Board Notices, Etc

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has posted to its Web site a notice that informs truck carriers of the new advance cargo manifest requirements for inbound truck cargo, which will take effect November 15, 2004 at 40 ports. According to the notice and CBP sources, for these initial 40 ports, as of November 15, 2004, any Border Release Advance Screening and Selectivity (BRASS) shipment that is not being hauled by a FAST registered driver will be denied entry into the U.S. (See ITT's Online Archives or 08/18/04 news, 04081805, for BP summary of CBP's August 17, 2004 notice announcing the staggered compliance dates for the mandatory advance electronic information requirements for inbound truck cargo. See ITT's Online Archives or 09/30/04 news, 04093070, 1, for BP summary of CBP's handout that will be distributed to trucks in the event of noncompliance with these new requirements.) (CBP's notice available at

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1. Notice on New Truck Advance Cargo Manifest Requirements that Take Effect November 15, 2004 for 40 Ports

2. Computation Formula of CBP Form 7512 Mod-7 Check Digit

CBP has recently posted to its Web site a document that provides calculation procedures to obtain the check digit needed for the CBP Form 7512, Transportation Entry and Manifest of Goods Subject to CBP Inspection and Permit. (CBP document available at

3. Louis Samenfink Named Executive Director of CBP Modernization Office

CBP has issued a press release announcing the appointment of Louis Samenfink as executive director of CBP's Modernization Office. According to the press release, Samenfink served CBP most recently as Deputy Director of the Office of Trade Compliance and Facilitation within the Office of Field Operations. (CBP press release, dated 10/15/04. available at

4. CBP Posts Notice on SARS to its Web Site

CBP has posted to its Web site a notice stating that currently CBP does not impose any mandatory quarantine or prohibitions on travelers arriving from identified Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) areas. (CBP notice available at

5. Revised Compliance Policy Changes Requirements for Personal Shipments

CBP has posted to its Web site a notice on the revised compliance policy changes requirements for personal shipments. According to that notice, the Food and Drug Administration/CBP (revised) Compliance Policy Guide explains that the two agencies will exercise enforcement discretion on Bioterrorism Act (BTA) issues until such time as the FDA publishes a final BTA rule for food imported or offered for import for non-commercial purposes. (See ITT's Online Archives or 08/13/04 news, 04081305, for BP summary of the August 2004 version of the FDA/CBP compliance policy guide.) (CBP notice, available at

6. Textile and Apparel Quotas 85% or More Filled as of October 13, 2004

CBP has posted to its Web site its "critical list" of textiles and apparel subject to import quotas with entered quantities 85% or more filled as of October 13, 2004. CBP states that this "critical list" may be used by CBP as a reference for releasing quota merchandise "off line" when the Automated Commercial System (ACS) is down for longer than four hours. CBP notes that textile and apparel merchandise for Electronic Visa Information System (ELVIS) countries cannot be released "off line" until it is processed through quota. CBP further notes that if the system is down for more than 24 hours, Headquarters Quota Branch should be contacted for further instructions. CBP also states that merchandise subject to tariff-rate quotas (TRQs) that are filled, may be released if entered under the "over quota" (high) rate of duty. (CBP's critical list, dated 10/13/04, available at